News | UTA Edenred

German Taxi and Rental Car Association (TMV) relies on UTA

Written by Admin | Jan 25, 2024 11:32:32 AM

UTA has won the Taxi- und Mietwagenverband Deutschland e.V. (The German Taxi and Rental Car Association, or TMV) as a new customer. The TMV has around 5,000 member companies with 115,000 employees and almost 23,000 vehicles. For the cooperation, UTA created two service packages tailored to the needs of the taxi and rental car industry from which TMV member companies can choose.

To optimally service customers according to their specific mobility needs, UTA set up specific service packages for the different requirements of rural versus urban-based taxi and rental car companies. On the one hand, TMV member companies that operate primarily in rural areas and drive longer distances will benefit from particularly favourable prices at selected fuel station operators with nationwide coverage. On the other hand, taxi and rental car companies whose fleets are primarily operating in cities and have smaller operating ranges can choose a selection of preferred local filling stations from the UTA acceptance network where they can fill up at favourable conditions.