
16. July 2024

UTA One® next toll box now supports the Slovakian toll system

We have extended our interoperable UTA One® next toll box to Slovakia.

The 4G-compatible on-board unit (OBU) for the European Electronic Toll Service (EETS) now covers 18 toll contexts in 16 European countries. 
UTA Edenred customers can activate the Slovakian toll context in the UTA Service Center. It will then be installed as an over-the-air update on the OBU. 

Good to know if you are operating in Germany: UTA One next can be used in vehicles weighing 3.5 tonnes or more. This makes the OBU ideal for international companies affected by the German toll extension to vehicles over 3.5 tonnes that was introduced on 1 July.

More info on UTA One® next: