UTA Edenred Move for Good

The sustainability programme for mobility companies


UTA Edenred - Simplifying sustainable mobility


The world has reached a tipping point where the mobility of goods and services is more important than ever to economic prosperity, while the transportation industry has become one of the largest contributors to global CO2emissions.

Public sensitivity to the environment and the dangers of climate change is at an all-time high. Transport and logistics companies as well as commercial fleet operators thus feel pressure to act and steer towards sustainable mobility in the future.

The Move for Good programme launched by Edenred addresses this challenge. With tailored solutions, services and green initiatives, UTA Edenred helps its customers enter the new era of sustainable mobility and alternative fuels, meet stricter emissions standards for their vehicles, develop a greener industrial ecosystem and protect global communities.

UTA Edenred Move for Good

Our Move for Good programme offers seamless access to the infrastructure of cities and the countryside that European transport and logistics companies and fleet operators depend on every day to stay mobile and economically successful - a sustainable mobility concept.

By using green solutions and services that enable sustainable mobility and improve driving performance, our customers can better meet environmental regulations. In addition, companies in transition to all-electric or hybrid fleets are supported with offerings that help them get there faster and easier.

The Move for Good programme is based on four pillars:

Offset  – Compensate for customer CO2 emissions through certified projects.
Reduce – Lower operational emissions through a wide range of measures.
Awareness – Instil the importance of offsetting emissions and embracing sustainability within the industry.
Recovery – Go beyond neutralising the impact of CO2 to facilitating recovery through hands-on projects.

Move for Good puts customers on the path to sustainable environmental compliance while keeping an eye on profitability.

Solutions, services and initiatives

This is what UTA Edenred Move for Good has to offer

UTA Carbon Offset - Simplifying compensation for CO2 emissions

Sustainable mobility for the future: With UTA Edenred's new CO2 offset programme, transportation and logistics customers can immediately reduce the CO2 footprint of their fleet. Using the UTA Card, a fleet's CO2 emissions are recorded per litre of fuel purchased, calculated monthly and offset by investing in certified climate protection projects up to 100 percent. The programme complies with international carbon standards and registrations and is audited annually by an internationally recognised auditing firm.


UTA eCharge - Simply electrifying

Meaningful mobility concepts: Through a partnership with ChargePoint, UTA Edenred customers now have access to over {$E-charge stations europe} charging points in {$E-charge countries} European countries. With ChargePoint's ever-expanding network, drivers of electric and hybrid vehicles can always find charging stations for normal, fast and ultra-fast charging. The UTA eCard and app enable fast and easy billing of charging transactions at uniform rates, making it easier for companies to switch to electric and hybrid fleets. Card users also have access to UTA Edenred's fuel, toll and Plus services.

Multi-energy support - Simply flexible

Environmentally friendly mobility: In line with the industry's shift towards sustainable mobility and alternative fuels, UTA Edenred enables its customers to source biodiesel, LNG and CNG alongside conventional fuels. In addition, customers can handle charging transactions for electric and hybrid fleet vehicles.


UTA combined traffic service - Simply practical

Sustainable alternatives: By loading an HGV onto a train and have it transported by rail via a UTA Edenred service partner, customers can enjoy a number of benefits: for example, lower CO2 emissions and fuel costs because the vehicle is not traveling in traffic on the road; compliance with statutory break periods and night, Sunday and holiday driving restrictions; cost savings from not incurring tolls and rest for drivers on long trips.