UTA Carbon Offset

Simple compensation for CO2emissions 


From passenger cars and light commercial vehicles to HGVs, all vehicles emit greenhouse gases. UTA Carbon Offset, part of UTA Edenred's Move For Good programme, provides an easy way to reduce the CO2footprint of your fleet, kilometer by kilometer. Using your UTA Card, the CO2 emissions of your fleet is recorded per liter of fuel purchased, calculated monthly, and offset by investing in certified climate protection projects up to 100 percent. Projects are located in the European Union and beyond.

Your participation in UTA Carbon Offset will appear on your monthly UTA invoice. You will receive an annual emissions certificate as proof of the CO2 offset of your fleet in the past year. In addition, you'll receive a marketing toolkit to promote your positive impact on the environment.

We make it easy for you to do something good for the environment with every vehicle in your fleet and with every kilometer you travel.


Benefitting environment and society


You'll get access to an online portal where you can view your fleet's monthly CO2 emissions and corresponding investments in offset projects via a dashboard. You can also find a list of current projects there.

The portal also contains your annual CO2 emissions offset certificate as well as a marketing toolkit that includes a Sustainability Guide for your fleet, a logo for your website, a template for press releases, and more.
UTA Carbon Offset complies with international carbon standards and registrations and is audited annually by an internationally-recognised auditing firm. The programme is administered through a partnership with PDI Technologies, a global sustainability service provider.

How does UTA Carbon Offset work?

The CO2emissions of your vehicles is calculated monthly based on the amount of fuel purchased with your UTA Card.

From the dashboard in your online portal, you can see your monthly CO2 offset and a list of your offset projects.

UTA Carbon Offset improves the CO2balance of your fleet and offsets it with certified projects up to 100 percent of your vehicles' CO2 emissions.

The programme fee appears on your monthly UTA Edenred invoice.

Have questions? Find answers here.


What is CO2 compensation?

CO2offsets allow companies to offset greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by financing renewable energies, forest conservation and landfill projects.

We all generate CO2emissions (also known as CO2footprint) in our daily lives, some of which is unavoidable. To reduce these impacts, the UTA Carbon Offset Programme is based on three pillars: To reduce these impacts, the UTA Carbon Offset Programme is based on three pillars:

1. Calculation of CO2 emissions

2. Emissions reduction

3. Compensation for unavoidable CO2emissions via climate protection projects

What are CO2 certificates?

CO2certificates are instruments that can be transferred between companies regardless of geographic premise. They are issued by governments and certified institutions and are designed to protect the environment by reducing greenhouse gases. UTA Edenred understands the importance of motivating drivers and fleet managers to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions of their vehicles.

How can I be sure that my financial contribution will help to offset CO2 emissions?

The UTA Carbon Offset Programme invests in projects whose environmental impact is measured and guaranteed by PDI Technologies. The UTA Carbon Offset Programme and PDI Technologies guarantee that  all offset projects comply with the following:

Permanent:  CO2 emissions are avoided in the long term

Measurable: Supported projects align to internationally recognised standards

Verified: A third party periodically reviews projects

One time: One time: CO2certificates can only be sold once

Do you have questions about UTA Carbon Offset? 

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