DarsGo OBU
The toll box for Slovenia

Simple toll charge with DarsGo OBU
Get your on-board unit for the Slovenian toll system DarsGo from UTA Edenred
On 1 April 2018, the electronic toll system DarsGo was introduced in Slovenia. Vehicles with a permissible gross weight of > 3.5 tonnes require a DarsGo on-board unit (OBU) tied to the vehicle, which makes it possible to settle tolls cashlessly. This allows you to save time, money and hassle because it eliminates lengthy wait times in toll stations in Slovenia.
UTA provides you information about the DarsGo!
Where can I get a DarsGo OBU?
DarsGo OBUs can be obtained and registered at any Dars service station in Slovenia. You simply pay the initialisation fee with your UTA card. Alternatively, you can obtain a DarsGo OBU via the toll operator's online portal.
What does DARS stand for?
DARS is the abbreviation for Družba za avtoceste v Republiki Sloveniji -- the Slovenian toll operator.
What is the DarsGo OBU?
The Dars Go OBU is mandatory for vehicles with a gross vehicle weight exceeding 3.5 tonnes. The device is designed for the wireless transmission, reception and collection of toll data.
The toll box communicates with the toll gantries above the motorway via DSRC microwave technology. If you drive from another country onto the Slovenian motorway, you can only drive as far as the first 'DarsGo servis' without the device.
There, you must stop and settle a DarsGo device. Otherwise, you will be committing an offence when driving on a toll road. Before attaching the DarsGo device, be sure that the data in the DarsGo accession declaration is correct. It is imperative that the ŠOR of the device matches the vehicle registration number and company information.
The ŠOR is your personal DarsGo customer number which you can use to link your DarsGo device to the vehicle account. Every DarsGo unit is linked to one vehicle account via the SOR customer number.
How does DarsGo work?
Since 01/04/2018, DarsGo has served as the Slovenian tolling system for vehicles with a gross vehicle weight exceeding 3.5 tonnes. DarsGo is an electronic toll system that works without toll booths, according to the free flow principle. Tolls are collected via a DarsGo device installed in the vehicle.
The motorway and carriageway network is divided into 128 toll sections. On each section, there is a toll portal above the motorway that detects a vehicle's DarsGo system as it passes underneath. This forms the basis for the toll calculation for each toll section. With DarsGo, tolls are calculated automatically based on the route travelled.
A toll must be paid for each route travelled by the vehicle. How much depends on the length of each section and the characteristics of the vehicle, such as the number of axles and the vehicle's EURO emission class.
Which tolls can be paid with DarsGo?
You can use the DarsGo toll calculator to calculate your fees in advance:
To the DarsGo toll calculator
What vehicle types is the toll box suitable for?
Vehicles > 3.5 t
How do I order the device?
- Are you a UTA customer?
With your UTA Card you can easily obtain an OBU at a Slovenian service station.
1. Present your vehicle registration and your emissions class identification.
2. Settle the processing fee of 10 Euro with your UTA Card.
3. Connect the on-board unit with your UTA Card.
The tolls are now automatically processed and invoiced in a regular cycle (postpay settlement).
As an alternative to billing via the postpay procedure, you can also load a credit to the box by presenting your UTA Full Service Card, which will apply to the accrued fees.
To the web portal of DarsGo
- Not a UTA customer?
Become a UTA customer and benefit from automated toll processing today!
Become a UTA customer now!
Is it possible to have the DarsGo toll box delivered?
The toll box can be obtained via UTA exclusively on-site at Slovenian service stations.
How much does the OBU DarsGo cost?
Please contact us for a tailored offer.
How do you install the OBU?
The OBU can be easily attached to the windscreen of the vehicle.
Why is it important to enter the number of axles and emission class correctly?
The Slovenian toll is determined by route length, number of axles, tonnage and emission class. Since 01.09.2020, vehicles > 3,5 tonnes with only two axles pay approximately 10% less fees in tolls. Vehicles with alternative drives that meet the emission requirements of the EURO VI emission class also benefit from lower tolls. Alternately powered vehicles are vehicles with gas or electric drives, but not vehicles with hybrid drives. Please contact us if you have any questions about the changeover.
Drive through Slovenia with UTA Edenred
Get your on-board unit DarsGo easily with your UTA Card! This way, you stay mobile and flexible on your trips through Slovenia at all times. Please contact us with any questions..