Mercedes ServiceCard

Exclusively for all Mercedes-Benz trucks


The Mercedes ServiceCard offers fleet managers detailed control and analysis functions for energy, toll, tax and invoice services, as well as breakdown services under Mercedes-Benz Service24h for their Mercedes-Benz fleet.

Key features:

  • Europe-wide UTA acceptance network
  • Fuel and lubricant supplies
  • Toll service
  • Mercedes-Benz Service24h

Additional services

Vehicle and transport-related services

Card acceptance

You can use this card in

{$Petrol stations europe} fuel stations across Europe
{$Countries with toll service} toll countries
{$Acceptance points europe} locations where UTA cards are accepted

The Mercedes ServiceCard supports your Mercedes-Benz fleet. We'd be happy to advise you on your options: 


Are you a UTA customer?

If you're a UTA customer, please click here: