Toll charges for HGVs & passenger cars in Austria

Changes to the toll system in Austria starting 1 January 2024

Travel comfortably through Austria with UTA Edenred

As a transit country for trips to Southern/Southeast European countries and as a beloved holiday destination, Austria is heavily travelled by foreign vehicles. Thus, all Austrian motorways and dual carriageways are toll roads. The road network is operated by the state-owned company ASFINAG (Autobahn- und Schnellstrassen-Finanzierung-AG).

While passenger cars and vehicles up to and including 3.5 tonnes must settle a toll sticker, vehicles over 3.5 tonnes must settle tolls via the GO toll system.​​​​​​​ This requires the use of an on-board unit (GO box).

Furthermore, on heavily travelled routes and on privately operated traffic structures, a higher fee or separate toll is due.

We support you with peak service availability and simplify toll settlement for you on all Austrian motorways and dual carriageways. However you choose to drive through Austria - UTA Edenred is by your side!


Toll settlement

How tolls are collected

Tolls are collected as follows in Austria:


In the toll road network: open toll system with toll portals > Multi-Lane-Free-Flow system, DSRC technology > for GO toll.


Special/route tolls: closed system - toll billing possible in part via video tolling.


The basis for the GO toll is as followed: dependent on distance travelled, base fee per kilometre + surcharge for noise pollution + surcharge for air pollution. This means: Thus, the "cleaner" the HGV runs, the cheaper the toll will be.


In the vignette system for vehicles ≤ 3.5 tonnes: time-based prepaid toll charge, with the amount of the charge depending on the categorisation of the vehicle; choice between digital vignette and vignette sticker.

UTA toll media for Austria

The choice is yours!

The toll for vehicles in Austria can be settled with the following UTA acceptance media:

Toll settlement using an OBU

Vehicles > 0.1 t (GO toll) Vehicles ≤ 3.5 t or light commercial vehicles

UTA One® next
Telepass EU

Toll Collect OBUs / Toll2GO

UTA Card for Vignette*
Felbertauern Tunnel
UTA Card
Route/special tolls
A9 Gleinalm Tunnel/Bosruck Tunnel
A10 Tauern/Katschberg Tunnel
A11 Karawanks Tunnel
A13 all
A16 Arlberg Road Tunnel
UTA One® next
Telepass EU
UTA Card

*Available at selected fuel stations in our partner network.

Two possible methods for on-board units

For the settlement of the mileage-based HGV toll in Austria, the use of a toll box is compulsory.
You may choose between the prepay and postpay method:


Postpay process:

With the Postpay procedure, you can order the OBU of your choice via UTA Edenred and conveniently settle your toll charges afterwards via UTA billing. We offer this procedure for the  UTA One®, the  Telepass EU  and the  GO-Box 


Prepay process:

In the course of the prepay procedure, you can load credit onto an OBU by presenting your UTA Card . Please ensure sufficient funds when using this option.  
We are currently offering this settlement type for the GO-Box , which you can obtain directly from Austrian distribution points.

No matter which method you choose: We will always support you with advice and information on your options! 
Get more information about purchasing an OBU for Austria in a personal chat!

UTA toll service in Austria

Your advantages with UTA Edenred

Toll billing in Austria is easier with the UTA toll service.


Depending on your on-board unit, you can choose between prepay and postpay methods - billing is always convenient and cashless through UTA Edenred.


Purchasing a vignette for vehicles up to 3.5 t is possible at selected fuel stations in our partner network.


Detailed and organised billing for your toll charges through a qualified collective invoice with the Value Added Tax specified.


Forms and informational documents are ready for download in our UTA customer portal at any time.


Consultation by phone and customer support by toll experts during our business hours.

Enjoy numerous advantages on your drive through Austria with the UTA toll service. Please don't hesitate to contact us!

Tax refunds in Austria

Potential refunds

Business owners can get the VAT collected on Austrian tolls refunded. The VAT rate is currently 20%.

Through a power of attorney, our service provider can arrange a refund on your behalf, saving you administrative effort and potential linguistic challenges with the Austrian authorities. You don't need to do anything -- just look forward to a credit note!
